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Privacy Policy(Rangers of the city)
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Privacy Policy

Parents or guardians should read this Privacy Policy and explain to any children using this app the implications of this Privacy Policy.

About us

Rotata Games studios is committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy (Privacy Policy) tells you how we collect, store, process and use your/your children’s personal information. By using this app (Rangers of the city) you agree to your/your children’s personal information being processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You should read this Privacy Policy in conjunction with our Terms of Use

We may collect and process information about you/your children that you/your children provide to us through your use of the app.


Our Site is designed partly for children. Therefore we are aware that we must be extra cautious when processing personal information.

If you are under the age of 18, you may only use this app and provide personal information if you have the consent of, and are supervised by, a parent or guardian.

If we believe a child using this app is under 18 we will not process any personal information of that child without the consent of the parent or guardian.

If the user is 18 or over we will only collect and process personal information as the long as we believe the user understands what is involved.

We will not disclose information collected from children under the age of 18 to anyone else without the consent of a parent or guardian.

What personal information do we collect

We may collect personal information from you when you/your children participate in, access or sign up to any of the app activities, online content, competitions or create an online account or respond to communications from us.

How we may use your/your children’s personal information

We (or third party data processors acting on our behalf) may collect, store and use your/your children’s personal information for the following purposes:

We will not disclose, sell or rent your/your children’s personal information to any third party for its marketing purposes unless you have consented to this. If you do consent but later change your mind, you may contact us and we will cease any such activity.

Finally, we may also collect anonymised details about visitors to our app for the purposes of aggregate statistics or reporting purposes. However, no single individual will be identifiable from the anonymised details we collect for these purposes.

The requirements of Data Protection laws

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 01th April 2017. We may from time to time revise this Privacy Policy so please check back regularly to keep informed of updates. We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and will seek your consent if the change could have a detrimental effect on you.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or would like to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us by e-mail: rotata.game@gmail.com